Creative Writing Example

Unreleased creative writing for a non-fiction book entitled “The Human Condition”.


Every second of every day around the world, 4 new babies gain official membership as newcomers of the human race.

Like a universal lottery, the odds of birth with the exact chemistry giving unique attributes are already astronomically small.

1 in 400 trillion small.

Add the fact that:

  • You could be born anywhere in the world.
  • Be born in any economic class.
  • Acquire one or more languages.
  • Be classified in one or more ethnic groups.
  • Grow up in vastly different environments.

And the true unidentifiable calculation of individual uniqueness is far too small to quantify, and that’s before we even reach our first birthday.

But here’s the age-old question.

Why does history repeat itself?

Or a better question to ask is why do people repeat themselves?

Despite all of our uniqueness and fine-tuned attributes, you would assume everyone would be indifferent and only fuelled by ego.

But in the real world, events tell a story as old as time itself.

Two different people, from two different states, and two different families want the same things and can be polar opposites to one another.


Is it physiological or theory-based?

Maybe it’s human nature?

Science serves as a great incubator for theories to find better answers to more erroneous questions.

Science also serves as a great benchmark to understand our limited knowledge of the world and the people that live within it.

As President of the Allen Institute Christof Koch put it best, “We don’t even understand the brain of a worm.”.

So, what’s this sercet metphorcal glue binding humanity together?
And what’s the reason for us repeating our mistakes and learning from them?

Growing older and meeting more people definitely fed my childlike curiosity to understand more about myself, the world, and why we are like this.

Combining decades of my own personal observations and thoughts with a range of science-based studies and data, this book serves as a basis to deepen our understanding of people for who they are and not how they appear.

In a world increasingly lacking in empathy, understanding, and authentic altruism, I want this book to serve as a beacon to others and spark a new renaissance of human compassion for current and future generations.

Truth be told, this is not a perfect book by any stretch of the imagination.

I am far from omniscient and don’t claim to be an expert.

The conclusions, assumptions, and arguments I make within this book are all up for debate and should make you question your beliefs rather than be used as gospel to blindly follow.

Some of what you read may be of no use to you. Other parts might trigger an “aha” moment.

I am infinitely curious and forever a student of life.

Learning will forever be a part of who I am and something I fully advocate for regardless of your circumstance and background.

The only requirements that I ask from you as the reader are to keep an open mind and enjoy yourself.

Welcome to my book.

Welcome to our book.

Welcome to the Human Condition.

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